
Tuesday 23 August 2016

Kerry warns Nigeria military, police over conduct

Visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry has warned Nigerian security forces that they need to police the country in a sensitive way.

Kerry, who is on a flying visit to the country, had earlier urged the Federal Government to build trust with the people as a means of tackling extremism and corruption.

Speaking in Sokoto, where he has gone to visit the Sultan, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, Kerry said: “Building public trust also requires co-operation from law enforcement and the military.

“It is understandable that in the wake of terrorist activities some people are tempted to crack down on everyone and anyone who could theoretically pose some sort of a threat.

“I caution against that today extremism cannot be defeated through repression and just creating fear.”

He said that the authorities need to win the trust of the people, reports the BBC.

“We also know that beating Boko Haram on the battlefield is only the beginning of what we must do,” K erry is quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying.

“Building public trust in government also requires cooperation from the military and law enforcement. Extremism can’t be defeated through represion or fear.”