
Thursday 25 August 2016



  Boko haram sect had been a kind of terrorist group that their leaders can not be identify in the political setting, they are international terrorist that have various base within and outside the country. BH had execute alot of attack on Nigerian's, and Nigeria troop, these attack is executed by Nigerian's. they also attack neighborhood countries like Chad, Cameroon. they use captured Nigerian's to execute these attack on foreign soil. the sect also manufacture weapons like IED and other bombs which Nigeria armed force barely provide for the soldiers. All these written about the sect is just an extract, the sect capacity goes beyond that.
    Now let talk about the behaviour of the victims that keep the terrorist group alive, these behaviour which the study tag irrational behavior.
  An average Yoruba and Igbo man is a rational being, while more than average northerners are irrational. these may be due to some factor's I listed below.
1.) Poverty
2.) Lack of interest for the state macro economic goals 
3.) Lack of interest for human basic needs 
4.) They give up thinking of the negative outcome in their future.
5.) They are over over discipline ( enforce compliance).
6.) They have too much believe for themselves 
7.) Unlawful information about the govt 
8.) General factor ( corruption) 
9.) Other factor's.

1.) Poverty: Poverty is rampage in Nigeria, most especially in the north were there is large population, the act of poverty make alot of them to be irrational because they will not have the privilege to think rational.
2.) Lack of interest for Nigeria macro economic goals: I will say these might be because Nigeria had no good results on the macro economic objectives ( like full employment, price stability, BOP, and so on).
3.) Lack of interest for human need: The need which might include education, cloths etc. the northerners do not highfalutin those needs.
4.) They give up thinking of the negative outcome in their future.
5.)They are over discipline: They are over discipline, and discipline sometimes is not adequate for some situations. this is properly explain below under the features of been rational.

1.) A rational human being is discipline but not always: Take example, someone who is rational will be told to bomb his or herself, and he will agree then take the bomb and goto the place of detonation, but when going he will start is rational thought like.  1.) If I go now and detonate this bomb, I will die now and if I did not go my family will be killed, let assume that is the condition given. that is the first thought. 2.) second thought, what if I didn't detonate the bomb, no no no don't think like that you want to betray your people, still thinking, yes if I betray dem I will not be d first or last to do that, may be I should go to police department and turn myself in, what might happen, he will answer by thinking his family will be kill and he will also get killed because some cops might be an intruder from the sect. ( still thinking) but even if I detonate the bomb how will I confirm if my family will be free or they will even be sending them one after the other to detonate more bombs. Now the rational being will estimate the consequences of going to police department compare with detonating the bomb and he will realise that he and his family will still eventually die but it might not be that due date and he will not even kill any innocent citizens. and also he will think that he has disobey the order given to him, and is going to consider himself not discipline. For a good rational being, he will accept to disobey the order while the irrational being will prefer to obey and prove that they are discipline by detonating the bomb and they end up killing alot of people.
2.) someone who is rational is spontaneous.
3.) Someone who is rational always think fast about a situation, like what will happen next. take for instances, when chatting with someone, he will think of what the person will say next.

4.) Always find alternative approach to situations.

5.) Always compare outcome of behavior before choosing the one that is relatively Ok.

6.) Someone who is rational don't give up easily.

   suggested solution to the problem, Government should make policies that will rehabilitate the attitude of the northerners, so that they will always think government will always be there for them, so they will not join the BH sect again. 
 by Adesanya adebayo an economics student (400level) osun state university.